Adult classes are weekday evenings and weekend mornings.
Children's classes are Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. Please inquire about specific ages.
Parent-Child Class: Starting Sept. 2024, 1st Sunday of the month, 10am. $20. Please inquire ahead of time if this is your first time.
"1+1" Intro/Open House Class: Join an Intro class and then attend a regular class (within 2 weeks of the Intro class). $20. Tentative schedule for the Intro class: 9am Saturday - specific dates to be determined.
Special classes are also planned:
Limited time (e.g., 8 session) beginner series, Trauma-informed classes, Parent-Child classes, "Pen and Sword" (Calligraphy and Sword) classes.
Everyone is welcome to drop in to observe practice sessions anytime.
Everyone is welcome to drop in and observe any time.
(Please email to confirm about any closed/cancelled days.)
Coming early (15 minutes or so) or staying after class will afford time to ask the instructor or students present any questions.
When deciding to join, please make sure you have observed at least one full class. See FAQ for article on observing.
The process of joining consists of signing the waiver and agreement forms, discussing ordering a uniform, and coming 20 minutes early for at least 2 sessions for orientation. There is no set contract or commitment of time e.g., "you must be a member for X number of months".
The registration form is paperless (Google form) and we ask that you sign the paper waiver in the dojo as well.
In the case of children, we request that parents communicate with the instructor ahead of time about expectations, time, concerns, etc.
Monthly adult dues: $110.
(If you believe your initial commitment will be a concern (e.g., how frequently you expect to attend), please discuss with the instructor.
Monthly children's dues: $100.
Monthly auto-pay page here. Auto-pay by Zelle also welcome.
For month-by-month, please use Venmo, Zelle, or cash.
Email: (or use form below)